• His feast days in the Church are November 14 and the second Sunday of Great Lent as the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas.
  • “The Council of Zamość (1720) decreed that the veneration and even mention of the name of… Gregory [Palamas] be prohibited in the Uniate Church.”
  • It is ironic that we celebrate today a saint identified with the spirituality of stillness. St Gregory Palamas’ main contribution to the life of the Church is his...
  • Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas: Extract from the Agioritic Tome. The clearest short statement of the teachings of St Gregory Palamas and the Hesychasts...
  • Saint Gregory Palamas is considered a great figure in the golden chain of the Great Teachers and Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church.
  • Today, Second Sunday of the Great Lent, we celebrate the memory of St. Gregory Palamas (in addition to the day of his repose, on Nov. 14, 1359).
  • SAINT GREGORY PALAMAS – Archbishop of Thessalonica ( ca. 1360). St. Gregory, commemorated on November 14 and the Second Sunday of Great Lent...
  • Saint Gregory Palamas defended the authentic tradition of the Church, which had been the same from the beginning, in the East and West.
  • st-gregory-palamas-4. “If from one burning lamp someone lights another, then another from that one, and so on in succession, he has light continuously.
  • An introduction to the Orthodox Church in Georgia for English speakers. ... Saint Gregory Palamas’ struggle with rational western philosophers continues to this day.