• To enjoy bodyboarding safely and comfortably, you need some basic gear and equipment that will protect you from the elements and enhance your performance.
  • We hand pick only the sickest bodyboarding videos and showcase them here in one tidy package.
  • One thing is abundantly clear- our bodyboarding days were, and still are, the best days of our lives!
  • Bodyboarding, like all popular sports, has a unique lexicon that is sure to confuse and fascinate beginners in equal measures.
  • inanilmaz bi etkinliktir. karadeniz dalgalarinda uygulanabilir. dalgalar genelde yetersiz kalmasina ragmen yakalandiginda asiri zevk verir.
  • While we support our athletes in their quest for the bodyboarding it is also very important to us to back world tour event such as the Fronton King 2017, which has...
  • We have laid out this page to take you through the various stages of mastering the technique of bodyboarding.
  • The purpose of this list is to assist anyone who loves the sport of bodyboarding – and anyone who wants to give it a try – with some guidance in choosing...
  • Additionally, because you lie prone on the board, there are two more main differences (and advantages) of bodyboarding compared to ‘normal’ surfing
  • It is one of the longest-lasting models in the bodyboarding market-making Morey one of the best brands in its industry.