• Geçmişinin M.Ö 5000 ile 3000 yıllarına dayandığı kabul edilen Stonehenge, Britanya’nın görülmesi gereken yerleri listesinin ilk sıralarında yer alıyor.
  • Phase III at Stonehenge, beginning around 2,550 BCE, involved the refashioning of the simple earth and timber henge into a unique stone monument.
  • Adını çarpıcı Stonehenge manzarasıyla alan King Barrows Ridge, Avenue üzerinde yer alır ve Stonehenge'in en nefes kesici manzaralarından birini sunar.
  • Tarihi anıtları koruma yasasının İngiltere'de ilk kez başarıyla yürürlüğe girdiği 1882'den beri yasal olarak korunan bir Antik Anıt olmuştur. Stonehenge yi kim inşa etti?
  • The Stonehenge monument is now recognised as being a single part of a larger, inter-connected prehistoric 'ceremonial' landscape.
  • The iconic Stonehenge was built in several stages between 3000 and 1520 BCE. The true purpose of Stonehenge is still unknown to us.
  • The Sarsen Circle with its lintels is perhaps the most remarkable feature of Stonehenge in terms of design, precision stonework, and engineering.
  • I'm afraid the translation of you review is not very clear but from what I can gather, I think you believe Stonehenge was built in the 1950s.
  • Neolithic people The Henge Aubrey Holes Wooden posts at Stonehenge The stones at Stonehenge The Avenue Ley lines What was Stonehenge used for?
  • “But on a serious note, Stonehenge seems to be this great British endeavour involving all the different people from all over the island," he said.