• As a result, now people _(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they cant come up very close to it.
  • As a result, now people ARE ALLOWED to walk around the monument but they cant come up very close to it.
  • As a result, now people _(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they cant come up very close to it.
  • As a result, now people _____ALLOW____ to walk around the monument but they cant come up very close to it.
  • As a result, now people ARE ALLOWED to walk around the monument but they cant come up very close to it.
  • Otázka č. 86: She worked as a teacher in ____ Africa. - a. an. ... can´t. Otázka č. 116: People ____ smoke in public buildings. It is not allowed.
  • As a result, now people _(ALLOW) to walk around the monument but they cant come up very close to it.
  • For example, people who are struggling to earn enough money to live may see financial loans adverts and then, as a result of this, end themselves falling even...
  • (BECOME) 5) As a result, now people _____ to walk around the monument but they can't come up very close to it. (ALLOW) 6) Today l wish _ an...