• stdio.h'ta tanimli , dosyadan binary olarak okuma yapan c fonksiyonu. size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, file *stream)
  • The syntax for the fread function in the C Language is ... The fread function will return zero if nmemb is zero or size is zero. Required Header.
  • ff_fread(). [FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Standard API Reference]. ... The example provided on the ff_fopen() documentation page shows how ff_fread() is used.
  • Dosya ve okunması gereken uzunluk fread() fonksiyonu parametre olarak gönderilir ve başarıda okuma dizesini veya hata durumunda FALSE değerini döndürür.
  • Definition and Usage. The fread() reads from an open file. The function will stop at the end of the file or when it reaches the specified length, whichever comes first.
  • The function fread() reads num number of objects (where each object is size bytes) and places them into the array pointed to by buffer.
  • fread reads up to length bytes from the file pointer referenced by stream. ... Note that fread reads from the current position of the file pointer.
  • fRead (Function) - Reads: - a block of bytes (characters) in an external file (ANSI or Unicode), - the content of an external file (ANSI or Unicode) and assigns it...
  • size_t fread( void * ptrvoid, size_t size, size_t count, FILE * filestream )