• Moreover, at that time frame, Welsh poetry was also witnessed. Despite of Anglo-Norman conquest, Welsh was used as an official language.
  • However, it experienced a resurgence during the Middle Ages, when Welsh poets and bards produced a large body of Welsh-language literature.
  • Learning Welsh or Cymraeg in this era has become remarkably accessible, thanks to numerous Welsh language courses and apps designed for all age groups.
  • Discover the origins and history of Britain’s oldest language, Welsh, and how it's used on a daily basis in modern Wales.
  • More Welsh miners, of coal not gold, came in the early 20th century when the Denniston coal mine was being opened up on the South Island’s West Coast.
  • For instance, estimates suggest that over half a million people in the UK speak Welsh, making it the second most-spoken language in the country.
  • The verb welsh and the noun welsher are sometimes perceived as insulting to or by the Welsh, the people of Wales.
  • The Welsh people are Celtic (central and western European) in origin and have their own language and cultural heritage.
  • One of the most striking aspects of Welsh grammar is the prevalence of mutations, which involve changes to the initial consonant of a word.
  • There are several symbols, including the red dragon flag that Welsh people identify with. The Leek, daffodil and a lovespoon are good examples.