• We organised a 5 day course on Flood control in the Netherlands, and introduced them to the Dutch strategy for dike reinforcement and climate adaptation.
  • ...the state of Louisiana sent politicians to the Netherlands to take a tour of the complex and highly developed flood control system in place in the Netherlands.8...
  • ...visited the project site of the Room for the River programme in the Netherlands which allows for periodic inundation of land as a flood control strategy.
  • Dick Sellenraad/Aeroview, the Netherlands..Overdiepse Polder, an infrastructure project in the southeastern province of Brabant south...
  • dutch3. In the 13th century, the people of the Netherlands began developing strategies and technologies to deal with flooding.K. Cantner, AGI.
  • Being situated in the Netherlands, we know the importance of flood control as about two thirds of the Netherlands in vulnerable to flooding.
  • a flooded street in the netherlands. ... As another measure to prevent floods in the Netherlands, Rijkswaterstaat has started the Room for River project.
  • The Netherlands flood control infrastructure – on the 60th anniversary of the North Sea Flood, a look at the impressive accomplishments.