• Мечеть в районе Итэвон – это бело-голубое бетонное здание.
  • Edinburgh Castle, stronghold that was once the residence of Scottish monarchs and now serves mostly as a museum.
  • Tourists can explore the interiors of Edinburgh Castle in three ways: a self-guided tour, a guided tour, or a private tour.
  • Edinburgh Castle has loomed above the city since the 1100s, surviving centuries of turmoil to retain its perch above Scotland’s capital.
  • The Cathedral Mosque is the oldest building in Bolgar. It was built soon after the Mongol conquest and was fully completed by 1260. Unfortunately, the mosque...
  • Однако, поскольку мусульманское население Эдинбурга увеличилось, большая мечеть стала жизненеобходима.
  • St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral in Edinburgh, with regular services, concerts, art exhibitions, and spectacular architecture.
  • The Islamic Cultural Centre has established the Commission to guide Muslims in the UK. Matters relating to religious issues aswell as solving complex inheritance...
  • From the ornate Royal Palace to the moving Scottish National War Memorial.
  • Квадратная в плане мечеть с её единственным величественным куполом и четырьмя стройными минаретами возвышается над древней...