• The Olšany Cemetery was originally created for the victims of the 1680 plague, and while many well-known people are laid to rest here, perhaps the most famous is...
  • The Cemetary was formed after Europe was rocked by two plagues in a row. ... Since 1786, though, the Olšany Cemetary has been used as a regular cemetery.
  • Olshanskoye cemetery is the most famous cemetery in Prague , and at the same time it is the largest.
  • 2 cemeteries in ‘Praha 3’
    • Olšanské hřbitovy (Olšany Cemetery)
    • Nový židovský hřbitov (New Jewish Cemetery, NJC)
  • The Olsany Cemetery was created in 1680 to accommodate plague victims who died en masse in Prague and needed to be buried quickly.
  • Olšany Cemetery. Olšany cemetery in Žižkov with 2 million dead is the largest graveyard not only in Prague, but also in the Czech Republic.
  • As odd and abnormal as it seems I really enjoyed visiting Olsany Hrbitovy ,a wonderful old cemetery in the heart of the Zizkov district.
  • Prague (Olsany) War Cemetery is located on the eastern outskirts of Prague on the road 333 to Stasnice.