• The largest of the tower’s five bells is the Big Ben, which weighs 13.5 long tons (13.7 tonnes; 15.1 short tons) and is named after Sir Benjamin Hall.
  • These 90-minute tours of Big Ben take you up the Elizabeth Tower, behind the clock faces, and into the belfry to see Big Ben itself.
  • Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the north end of the Palace of Westminster in London, and often extended to refer to the clock and the...
  • However, the whole tower is commonly referred to as Big Ben. It celebrated its 150th anniversary in May 2009 and it has a long and fascinating history.
  • Big Ben - the hour bell - is said to have been named after Sir Benjamin Hall, Commissioner of Works, who was known for his bulk, as is the bell!
  • Victoria Gotik stilinde olan Big Ben Saat Kulesi 96,3 metre yüksekliğe sahiptir. Üzerinde bulunan saatin ağırlığı 5,5 ton, çanın ağırlığı ise 13,5 tondur.
  • tower of the Palace of Westminster, London containing the bell Big Ben.
  • İngiltere'nin başkenti Londra'nın simgelerinden, ''Big Ben'' olarak da bilinen tarihi saat kulesinin adının ''Westminster Sarayı Elizabeth Kulesi'' Olmasına karar...
  • 1) Big Ben, bilinenin aksine saat kulesinin ismi değil, kulenin içinde bulunan çana verilen isimdir. ... 2) Big Ben çanı oldukça büyük ve ağır bir çandır.
  • The first chimes of the Big Ben clock were heard in 1859, but like most old English architecture, the tower has a much longer and more complex history.