• St. Maria im Kapitol is an 11th-century Romanesque church located in the Kapitol-Viertel in the old town of Cologne, Germany.
  • Über den Fundamenten des römischen Kapitolstempels entstand zwischen 1040 und 1065 die Kirche St. Maria im Kapitol als dreischiffiger Bau mit...
  • St. Maria im Kapitol was designed in a trefoil (clover-leaf) choir configuration with the exact dimensions of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
  • St. Maria im CapitolSt. Maria im Kapitol in Köln, Dreikonchenanlage und Skulptur Die Trauernde Ostkonche mit Chorschranken …
  • St. Maria im Kapitol (Capitol'deki Aziz Mary), Almanya'nın Köln eski kentindeki Kapitol-Viertel'de bulunan bir 11. yüzyıl Romanesk kilisesidir.
  • Marije na Kapitolu, Köln; église Sainte-Marie-du-Capitole de Cologne; Basilika Santa Maria im Kapitol, Köln; Kościół Najświętszej Marii Panny na Kapitolu w...
  • St. Maria im Kapitol is renowned for its unique trefoil basilica design, which includes three apses forming a cloverleaf shape.
  • Based on the design of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, St. Maria im Kapitol became the model for other churches in Cologne.
  • Yy basında pencere kısımları değiştirilmiş ve merkez karesi tonoz vari bir kubbe ile örtülmüştür St. Maria İm Kapitol un plan şemasını hemen hemen aynı...