• Cordoba’s synagogue is the only preserved synagogue in the Andalusian area of Spain after the expulsion of the Jews in 1492.
  • Since 19th century it has undergone several phases of the restoration. It is the only synagogue in Córdoba to escape destruction during years of persecution.
  • It is the only synagogue in Cordoba to escape destruction during years of persecution. It no longer functions as a place of worship, but it is open to the public.
  • One of my highlights of Cordoba was finding this 14th century Synagogue. It’s one of only three synagogues from this era left standing – the other two are in Toledo.
  • Discover the history of Synagogue. Contact information and map. Find out what to see and do in Córdoba | spain.info.
  • The Córdoba Synagogue served the Jewish community of Cordoba until 1492. The Mudejar styled structure dates back to 1315 and was built by Isaac Moheb.
  • If you just want to know the Mosque of Cordoba, the Alzcázar of the Kings, the Jewish Quarter and the Synagogue, we have 2 types of visits
  • The historic Cordoba Synagogue (Sinagoga de Cordoba), situated along a narrow street in the Jewish Quarter of Cordoba, dates from the early 14th century.
  • Along with Santa Maria la Blanca and the Trnsito of Our Lady (both in Toledo), the Synagogue of Córdoba is one of the most significant of all Spain.