• Escalope. The French term for a very thin, usually flattened, slice of meat or fish. The tender escalope requires only a few seconds of sautéing on both sides.
  • In this article, we will explore the differences between escalope and escalop, and why it’s important to use the correct spelling.
  • While the term escalope is French in origin, escalope-style dishes are found in the cuisines of several European countries, particularly Italy and Austria.
  • From the simple grilled escalope to its famous Veal Cordon Blue rendition, don’t you think there is an available extreme exotic escalope ensemble?
  • Prepare an escalope can be not only from the usual for us sorts of meat (beef, pork or lamb), but also game. Poultry is also no exception.
  • An escalope is traditionally a piece of boneless meat that has been thinned out using a mallet or rolling pin or beaten with the handle of a knife...
  • escalope — s. m. [Culinária] Carne de lombo cortada transversalmente em fatias não muito grossas e cozinhada, geralmente frita, grelhada ou panada. ‣
  • An escalope is a thin slice of meat without a bone. a thin piece of meat with no bones in it, especially veal (=meat from a young cow) , cooked in hot oil (; SCALLOP).
  • Escalope recipes. This is a thin slice of boneless meat, often beaten even thinner for the purposes of quick cooking.