• Leonardo da Vinci—architect, inventor, scientist and painter of the 'Mona Lisa' and 'The Last Supper'—was a major figure of the Italian Renaissance.
  • A juvenile work known only from accounts by Giorgio Vasari and the Anonimo Gaddiano. Vasari stated that it was sold by Leonardo's father Ser Piero da Vinci...
  • Leonardo da Vinci left few finished works at his death in 1519, and some were later lost or destroyed. Those that remain show Leonardo’s innovation and skill.
  • Квалификация мастера была присвоена ему гильдией святого Луки. Следующий год своей жизни Леонардо да Винчи провел во Флоренции.
  • Leonardo da Vinci, who was known as the “Renaissance man”, because of his work in so many disciplines of science and arts. Learn more about him...
  • Всем сегодня известная картина Леонардо да Винчи « Мона Лиза» на самом деле не всегда пользовалась такой популярностью.
  • All oil painting reproductions will be professionally painted with the highest quality by our skilled artists. The world's largest collection of Leonardo Da Vinci...
  • Леонардо да Винчи — самый таинственный и загадочный гений. Кто же он был на самом деле? Есть предположения самые невероятные —.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was a legendary Florentine painter, polymath, sculptor, architect and musician. Explore this biography to learn more about his profile, childhood...
  • Көптеген инженерлік өнертабыстардың авторы, ұлы суретші Леонардо да Винчи 1519 жылдың 2 мамырында, 67 жасында дүниеден өтеді.