• The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or simply GPL) is a widely used free software license, originally written by Richard Stallman for the GNU project.
  • For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. The GNU General Public License does...
    • What are the terms and conditions of the GPL license?
    • Does the GPL license require the author to release modified source code?
    • So he wrote the GNU General Public License to guarantee four freedoms for users
  • This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
  • Techopedia GNU Genel Kamu Lisansını (GPL) açıklıyor. 1989'da Richard Stallman ilk GPL'yi GNU Programı ile yaptı.
  • For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. The GNU General Public License...
  • ...Kamu Lisansı (GNU GPL ya da GPL) birçok yerde kullanılan, özgür bir yazılım lisansıdır ve özgün hali Richard Stallman tarafından GNU projesi için yazılmıştır.
  • Short for GNU General Public License, the GPL is a general license published by GNU (GNU's Not Unix) project.
  • GPL Lisans Nedir, Diğer Lisanslarla Farkı nedir? GNU GPL (General Public License - Genel Kamu Lisansı) açık kaynağı destekleyici bir lisans türü olup...
  • This product may include software code developed by third parties, including software code subject to the GNU General Public License (“GPL”).