• Альфонс Допш — австрийский историк-медиевист, аграрник. Доктор (1890), профессор Венского университета (1900—1937), член АН Австрии (1909).
  • Author of The economic and social foundations of European civilization, Ausgewählte Urkunden Zur Verfassungs-Geschichte der Deutsch-österreichischen...
  • Looking for Alfons Dopsch? Find out information about Alfons Dopsch. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia . It might be outdated...
  • In our library you can find biographical and historical information about Dr. Alfons Dopsch and his works, as well as purchase rare editions of the author's books.
  • Alfons Dopsch: Austrian social and economic historian (1868 - 1953); Historian, Economic historian, Medievalist, Social historian, Educator; From: Austria...
  • Persons and organizations related as author (2). Persons and organizations related as collaborateur (2). Persons and organizations related as editor (2)...
  • Selected publications. Die Wirtschaftsentwicklung der Karolingerzeit (1912/13). Wirtschaftliche und soziale Grundlagen der europäischen...