• Sir Arthur William Fadden GCMG (13 April 1894 – 21 April 1973) was an Australian politician and accountant who served as the 13th prime minister of Australia from 29...
  • Артур Вільям Фадден (англ. Arthur William Fadden; 13 квітня 1894 — 21 квітня 1973) — австралійський політичний діяч і 13-й Прем'єр-міністр Австралії. Коротка біографія.
  • Arthur Fadden was the only member of the Country Party to become Prime Minister of Australia in a permanent rather than a ‘caretaker’ capacity.
  • Sir Arthur William Fadden was an accountant, politician, and for a short time, the prime minister of Australia (1941). Fadden was active in local and state...
  • Arthur Fadden was prime minister of Australia in 1941.
  • Profile of Australian Prime Minister Arthur Fadden. Browse other Prime Ministers of Australia and hundreds more presidents, prime ministers and dictators.
  • Arthur Fadden became Australia's 13th prime minister when he was elected leader of the Liberal Country Coalition following Robert Menzies' resignation in 1941.