• Pieter Lastman (1583-1633) spent his early years as an artist in Italy. Biographer Karel van Mander mentions the fact in his Schilderboeck (Book of Painters) of 1604.
    Bulunamadı: питер
  • Pieter Lastman, The Angel Raphael Takes Leave of Old Tobit and his Son Tobias. Pieter Lastman (1583–1633) was a Dutch painter.
    Bulunamadı: питер
  • Bakker, Piet. “Pieter Lastman” (2017). In The Leiden Collection Catalogue, 4th ed. Edited by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. and Elizabeth Nogrady with Caroline Van...
    Bulunamadı: питер
  • Пи́тер Ла́стман — голландский живописец, рисовальщик и гравёр Золотого века искусства Голландии. Наряду с Яном Симонсом Пейнасом и Николасом Муйартом считается одним из...
  • Pieter Lastman was a Dutch painter of biblical and mythological scenes in antique landscapes who had a strong influence on the young Rembrandt, who...
    Bulunamadı: питер
  • Питер Ластман (нидерл. Pieter Lastman; 1583, Амстердам — 4 апреля 1633, Амстердам) — голландский живописец...