• Тасита Дин (Tacita Dean, 1965, Кентербери, Великобритания, с 2000 живёт и работает в Берлине, Германия) — современная британская художница.
  • Tacita Charlotte Dean CBE, RA (born 1965) is a British visual artist who works primarily in film. She was a nominee for the Turner Prize in 1998, won the Hugo Boss Prize in 2006...
    Bulunamadı: тасита, дин
  • Tacita Dean studied painting at the Slade School of Art (London). Since the mid-1990s, film and photography have been her preferred mediums.
    Bulunamadı: тасита, дин
  • Тасита Дин.
  • This exhibition presents work by British artist Tacita Dean (born 1965), focusing on works inspired by her experience of Berlin, where she has lived since 2000.
    Bulunamadı: тасита, дин
  • Tasita Dean ( Tacita Dean , 1965 , Canterbury , BK , 2000'den beri Berlin , Almanya'da yaşıyor ve çalışıyor ) çağdaş bir İngiliz sanatçısı . Kent Koleji, Canterbury.
  • О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам Условия использования Конфиденциальность Правила...Тасита Дин: Джей Дж. Баллард, Роберт Смитсон и я " ,
  • На протяжении всей своей творческой карьеры Тасита Дин обращается к темам устаревания и утраты, проявляет интерес к вещам, которые вышли из...
  • The focus of Tacita Dean's subtle but ambitious work is the truth of the moment, the film as a medium, and the sensibilities of the individual.
    Bulunamadı: тасита, дин
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    Bulunamadı: тасита, дин