• St. Paul’s Cathedral, with its twin Baroque towers and majestic 365-foot dome, is considered a masterpiece of English architecture today.
  • Read on to discover our list of unique and exciting tourist attractions in London, from historic landmarks to quirky museums and hidden gems.
  • Сегодня мы будем формировать совершенно новые знания и поговорим про достопримечательности Лондона на английском языке.
  • 8 scenic English countryside escapes, from dramatic cliffs to charming villages.
  • Лондонский Тауэр – одна из главных достопримечательностей Лондона.
  • The walls of the Tower of London are rich in history, making it one of the most-visited English landmarks.
  • Английский язык по скайпу Темы / Топики Тема "Лондон и его достопримечательности" (London and its attractions).
  • A splendid mixture of architectural styles, Westminster Abbey is considered the finest example of Early English Gothic.
  • From iconic landmarks and world-renowned museums to lesser known spots, discover my pick of the top tourist attractions in London.
  • The Tower of London is a must-see London’s sightseeing for anyone interested in English history, culture, and tradition.