• Offenbach was born on 20 June 1819, as Jacob (or Jakob[n 2]) Offenbach to a Jewish family in the German city of Cologne, which was then a part of Prussia.[11]...
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  • Жак Оффенбах (фр. Jacques Offenbach; 1819 жылдың 20 маусымында Кёльнде туылып —1880 жылдың 5 қазанында Парижде қайтыс болды)...
  • Jacques Offenbach was a composer who created a type of light burlesque French comic opera known as the opérette, which became one of the most characteristic...
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  • 2 bin görüntüleme
    Yayınlandı2 Oca 2023
  • Listen to music by Jacques Offenbach on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Jacques Offenbach including Impressions de France (From "Impressions...
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