• Pacher was a citizen of Bruneck in the Tyrol from 1467 to 1496. A painter and sculptor, his first known work was an altarpiece of 1465, now lost. He produced...
  • Михаэ́ль Па́хер — австрийский живописец и скульптор из Южного Тироля, один из наиболее значимых представителей поздней австрийской готики.
  • Michael Pacher was a painter and sculptor from Tyrol active during the second half of the fifteenth century.
  • The Engagement of Virgin 1495-98 Panel, 113 x 139,5 cm Цsterreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna. http://northernrenaissance.jimdo.com/михаэль-пахер/.