• Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начни вопросы с do, does, is, are, bkb am. 1.you learn new words in each lesson? 2. . you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. ( Предложения писать полностью!) ... Ответ: 1 Do you learn new words in each lesson?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1 ...you learn new worda in each lesson? 2. ... You learining the new words ringht now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. ... Ответ: 1 Do you learn new words in each lesson? 2. Are you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?
  • Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am. 1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now?