- en.wikipedia.org Anders SandbergAnders Sandberg (born 11 July 1972) is a Swedish researcher, futurist and transhumanist. He holds a PhD in computational neuroscience from Stockholm University...
- ru.wikipedia.org wiki/Сандберг,_АндерсАндерс Сандберг — исследователь, участник научных дебатов, футуролог, трансгуманист и писатель. Он получил степень доктора философии в вычислительной нейробиологии...
- youtube.com watchТрансгуманистическая утопия | Андерс Сандберг.
- tr.wiki7.org wiki/Сандберг,_АндерсAnders Sandberg araştırmacı, bilimsel tartışmacı, fütürist , transhümanist ve yazardır . Doktora derecesini Stockholm Üniversitesi'nden hesaplamalı nörobilim alanında aldı...
- brainpreservation.org team/anders-sandberg/Sandberg’s research centres on societal and ethical issues surrounding human enhancement and new techologies, and assessing the […]
- thebulletin.org biography/anders-sandberg/The authoritative guide to ensuring science and technology make life on Earth better, not worse.
- liveforever.club resources/anders-sandbergSenior research fellow at Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford...
- transhumanism.fandom.com wiki/Anders_SandbergAnders Sandberg (born July 11 1972 ) is a science debater, futurist , transhumanist , and author. He holds a Ph.D. in computational neuroscience from Stockholm University...
- thnk.org community/people/anders-sandberg/Anders Sandberg is a Researcher, Science Debater, Futurist, Transhumanist & Author.
- theecologist.org profile/anders-sandbergHumanity has always lived under the threat of extinction, writes Anders Sandberg. Now we have reduced some of the dangers - but created new ones of our own.