• Short Table of Contents
    • 3 Starting a project with CVS
    • 14 How your build system interacts with CVS
  • The manual is available from ximbiot.com (archived), and gnu.org. ... For other ways to obtain CVS, please read How to get GNU Software.
  • Concurrent Versions System (CVS, or Concurrent Versioning System) is a version control system originally developed by Dick Grune in July 1986. Design.
  • This manpage is a summary of some of the features of cvs. It is auto-generated from an appendix of the CVS manual.
  • [1] Setting up a CVS repository on your account | [2] Setting up other members in group to use CVS on your account | [3] Basic CVS commands | [4] Resources.
  • You can get CVS via anonymous ftp from a number of sites, for instance prep.ai.mit.edu in `pub/gnu'. There is a mailing list, known as info-cvs, devoted to CVS.
  • https://www.nongnu.org/cvs/ Concurrent Versions System. Version control system and important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM).
  • To subscribe or unsubscribe write to info-cvs-request@gnu.org. If you prefer a usenet group, the right group is comp.software.config-mgmt which is for CVS...
  • Signum Support offers support contracts and binary distribution for many programs, such as CVS, GNU Emacs, the GNU C compiler and others.
  • The gnu.cvs.help newsgroup is a 2-way mirror of the info-cvs@nongnu.org mailing list and gnu.cvs.bug is similarly a 2-way mirror of...