• Ion Antonescu (d. 15 Haziran 1882; Piteşti, Argeş - ö. 1 Haziran 1946; Jilava Hapishanesi, Ilfov), Rumen asker ve siyasetçi. II.
  • Mareșalul Ion Antonescu, a name that echoes through the corridors of time, stands as a testament to the complexities and contradictions that often accompany...
  • Ion Antonescu was in contact with the Romanian-born conservative aristocrat and writer Marthe Bibesco, who introduced Antonescu to the ideas of Gustave Le...
  • Aynı akşam, Romanya hükümeti adına General Ion Antonescu, sivil halka, özellikle de Yahudilere karşı amansız bir misilleme emri verdi...
  • Ion Antonescu was born in Pitesti, Romania, on June 15, 1882, to a middle-class family.
  • Seating platform is set up ready for Great Union Day parade to mark the 1944 overthrow of the pro-fascist government of Marshal Ion Antonescu, Main...
  • 1882 Between the 2nd and the 14th of June Ion Antonescu was born at Pitesti within a military family.
  • 1944 yılında mihver devletlerinin sonunun belli olmaya başlamasıyla birlikte kral michael yakalanmasını emretti; yakalanan antonescu yargılanıp idam edildi.
  • This action won the fresh lt. colonel Ion Antonescu the highest Romanian military award: the Mihai Viteazul Order 3rd class, on 31 December 1919.
  • Ion Antonescu became the Prime Minister of Romania and King Carol II transferred most of his dictatorial powers to him.