- en.wikipedia.org Königsberg SynagogueThe Königsberg Synagogue, called at the time, the New Synagogue (German: Neue Synagoge), was a former Orthodox Jewish congregation and synagogue...
- jewsineastprussia.de project-synagogue-in-…Representatives of the Synagogue Foundation had tried in vain beforehand to get one of the old saved Thora Scrolls from Königsberg back from abroad...
- commons.wikimedia.org wiki/File:Kaliningrad_-_New…Cultural heritage monuments in Kaliningrad. New Synagogue in Königsberg.
- tr.wiki7.org wiki/Кёнигсбергская_синагогаYeni Liberal Sinagog ( Almanca: Neue Liberale Synagoge Königsberg ), Königsberg'de 1890'larda inşa edilmiş bir sinagogdur . ve İkinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında yok edildi .
- perceptiotr.com Кёнигсбергская_синагогаSinagogun yeni binası 1815 yılında aynı yerde inşa edildi - Synagogenstrasse 2. Ortodoks Yahudiler, liberalizmle ayırt edilen kentsel topluluktan sıyrıldılar.
- The synagogue was rebuilt by the Kaliningrad Jewish Community and inaugurated in 2018.
- buyukansiklopedi.com Nouvelle_synagogue_de_…In 1756 , Königsberg 307 Yahudi'yi, 1.027 vardı 1817 , 3.024 1864 yılında, 5,086 1880, ya da şehrin toplam nüfusunun% 3.6.
- life-globe.com en/new-synagogue-kaliningrad/The New Liberal Synagogue (or simply the New Synagogue) is a synagogue in Kaliningrad, which in 2011-2020 was erected on the site of the former...
- flickr.com photos/105113848@N08/52294395283Königsberg Synagogue. | by v_mats.
- fjc-fsu.org dome-installed-on-the-new-koenigsberg…Kaliningrad, Russia is the former city of Koenigsberg, Germany and the new synagogue will finally fill the void left when its predecessor, the Koenigsberg...