• When speakers are about 50 percent sure, they will use the modals may, might, or could; as in "I may be sick.
  • MAY always talk about your POSSIBILITY, SUGGESTION, and PERMISSION, It only uses in present and The word MAY always use it with an elder age group...
  • The Commission may have tried its best, but it did the wrong thing.
  • (MAY Tohum - Kişisel Verilerin İşlenmesine Yönelik İnternet Sitesi Aydınlatma Metni).
  • Örneğin May, mayıs anlamına geldiği gibi, -abilmek, -ebilmek anlamına da geliyor ve aynı zamanda olasılık belirtmek için de kullanılıyor.
  • 3.4.21 May 24, or the nearest weekday if May 24 falls on a weekend.
  • a) May, şimdi veya gelecekle ilgili ihtimal belirtirken kullanılır.
  • In popular usage and speech, may and might are used interchangeably when referring to possibility and probability, but there is a slight difference between the two.
  • give permission: Johnny, you may leave the table when you have finished your dinner.