• The medulla of ovary (or Zona vasculosa of Waldeyer) is a highly vascular stroma in the center of the ovary. It forms from embryonic mesenchyme and contains blood vessels...
  • 1. The medulla (medulla ovarii), which is shifted to the hilum of the ovary and produces female sex hormones called estrogens. ... Medulla (medulla ovarii).
  • Discover the ovarian medulla's structure, its central location in the ovary, and its supportive role for large blood vessels.
  • Medulla ovarii — kiaušidės šerdis statusas T sritis šlapimo ir lyties aparatas atitikmenys: lot. Medulla ovarii ryšiai: platesnis terminas – kairioji kiaušidė …
  • Medulla ovarii. Warning: Also non-reviewed material is shown. Click here to see only reviewed content. ... Medulla ovarii (Zona vasculosa). Médulla de l'ovaire.
    • Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress
    • medulla ovarii (par) ♀
    medulla ovarii (par) ♀. Official subsidiary term.
  • It can be hard to distinguish between the cortex and medulla.It is a highly vascular stroma in the center of the organ, termed the medullary substance...
  • Tunica albuginea Cortex ovarii (zona paranchymatosa) Ovarium follikülleri bulunur (dışta) Medulla ovarii (zona vasculosa) Damardan zengindir (ortada).
  • UMLS:C0227879 (ncithesaurus:Ovarian_Medulla). ... has exact synonym. medulla ovarii (zona vasculosa).