• Wikimedia Commons'ta V. Felipe ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır.
  • A young Maria Luisa of Savoy holding a miniature portrait of her husband, Felipe V.
  • A fines de enero de 1701 Felipe V partió hacia España y ya nunca volvería a pisar suelo francés.
  • Infante Felipe of Spain (later Duke of Parma) (20 March 1720 – 18 Julie 1765) Duke of Parma married Louise Élisabeth of France and had issue.
  • On January 14, 1724, Felipe abdicated the Spanish throne to Luis, his seventeen-year-old eldest son from his first marriage, for reasons that are still unclear.
  • Felipe V of Spain (19 December 1683-9 July 1746) was the King of Spain from 1700 to 1724 and 1724 to 1746. He was formerly the Duke of Orleans...
  • Büyük Veliaht Louis de France’ın (1661-1711) ikinci oğlu olan Anjou dükü Felipe, Louis JÖV’ün torunuydu.
  • Felipe V and Maria Luisa acted as diplomats at the court of Louis XIV and relied heavily on the Duchess Ursaint, who was sent to Spain as a maid of honor.
  • Felipe V, al que la enfermedad mental y el deterioro físico se le fueron acentuando, falleció de un ataque cerebrovascular el 9 de julio de 1746 en Madrid .
  • Bottineau, Yves, El arte cortesano en la España de Felipe V (1700-1746), Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid, 1986.