• Aalholm, also Aalholm Castle (Danish: Aalholm Slot), is a castle and country estate in Nysted in the municipality of Guldborgsund, on the south coast of the island of Lolland...
  •  Aalholmkirke.dk · Bramslykkevej 18A, 2500 Valby  36 16 08 85  aalholm.sogn@km.dk.
  • Sognets officielle E-mail: aalholm.sogn@km.dk.
  • Danimarka, Aalholm Automobil Museum yakınındaki otelleri online bulun.
  • Virksomhedens overordnede mål er at opretholde Aalholm Slots århundredelange eksistens og tradition på et bæredygtigt og økonomisk grundlag.
  • We thought we would take a look at Aalholm Castle and had to park the car far away and then take a walk on a dirt road.
  • Aalholms placering ved vandet samt dens tykke mure gjorde den middelalderlige borg let at forsvare.
  • In the 1970s, parts of Aalholm was opened to the public as a manor museum, following the establishing of a vintage car museum showcasing the owner’s private...