- en.wikipedia.org Alan PerlisAlan Jay Perlis (April 1, 1922 – February 7, 1990) was an American computer scientist and professor at Purdue University, Carnegie Mellon University and Yale University.
- medium.com @meflahia0/the-philosophy-of-…Alan Jay Perlis was an American computer scientist and the first recipient of the Turing Award, the highest honor in computer science.
- alok.github.io 2018/09/05/alan-perlis/I think Alan Perlis was the first computer scientist who grasped the aesthetic and artistic aspects of computing while also being a witty writer that wrote them down.
- linkedin.com posts/association-for-computing-…Perlis received the 1966 #ACMTuringAward for his influence in the area of advanced programming techniques and compiler construction.
- youtube.com watchAlan Perlis Turing Award Series Episode-1 | Tech Research |.
- computer.org profiles/alan-perlis/Alan Jay Perlis (April 1, 1922 – February 7, 1990) was an American computer scientist known for his pioneering work in programming languages and the first...
- britannica.com biography/Alan-Jay-PerlisIn 1952 Perlis became a mathematics professor and the first director of the computing laboratory at Purdue University .
- nae.edu 188732/ALAN-J-PERLIS-19221990ALAN J. PERLIS, one of the leading figures in the development of modern computer science, died of a heart attack on February 7, 1990, in New Haven...
- pittsburghquarterly.com articles/alan-perlis-the-…I had finished a draft of the program, missed dinner, missed my buddies, and was hooked on programming, if not Alan Perlis.
- cs.yale.edu homes/perlis-alan/quotes.htmlFrom ACM's SIGPLAN publication, (September, 1982), Article "Epigrams in Programming", by Alan J. Perlis of Yale University.
Alan Perlis
Bilgisayar Bilimcisi
Genel bilgiler
Alan Jay Perlis (1 Nisan 1922 — 7 Şubat 1990), Amerikalı bilgisayar bilimcisi.
Purdue Üniversitesi, Carnegie Mellon Üniversitesi ve Yale Üniversitesi'nde profesör olarak çalışmış olan Perlis, programlama dilleri konusundaki çalışmalarından ötürü Turing Ödülü'ne değer görülmüştür.
Perlis ALGOL programlama dilini geliştiren takıma da önderlik etmiştir.
Kısa bilgiler
- Doğum tarihi ve yeri:1 Nisan 1922, Pittsburgh
- Ölüm tarihi ve yeri:7 Şubat 1990 (67 yaşında), New Haven