• The hexadecimal RGB code of Alizarin Crimson color is #E32636 and the decimal is rgb(227,38,54).
  • Alizarin crimson is a shade of red that is biased slightly more towards purple than towards orange on the color wheel and has a blue undertone.
  • Alizarin Crimson is a powerful witch and an enemy of Femforce.
  • On the tube of Michael Harding’s Crimson Lake, it states that the pigment, PR149 (perylene maroon) is an Alizarin Crimson alternative.
  • Intense and dark in value, Alizarin Crimson mixes cleanly with most pigments to create dark mixtures and warm neutrals.
  • Alizarin Crimson is a deep, velvety red with subtle blue undertones, reminiscent of the rich hues found in a sunset or the petals of a blooming rose.
  • They were then able to synthesise the pigment from coal tar, making alizarin crimson the first natural dye to be synthesised.
  • In Henri Matisse's painting "The Red Studio," the use of Alizarin Crimson plays a significant role in creating a dynamic and visually striking composition.
  • Here are the few coordinating colors that go with Alizarin Crimson .