• Sabaean inscription addressed to the god Almaqah, mentioning five ancient Yemeni gods, two reigning sovereigns and two governors, 7th century BCE.
  • The members of the tribe of Saba called themselves 'the children of Almaqah.' ... Almaqah is referred to in some texts as 'Lord of the horned goats.'
  • Very little information survives regarding pre-Islamic spirits of Arabia, but Almaqah appears to have been the preeminent deity of the South Arabian kingdom...
  • Almaqah or Almuqh (Sabaean: 𐩱𐩡𐩣𐩤𐩠; Arabic: المقه) was the Moon god of the ancient Yemeni kingdom of Saba'.
  • Az Almaqah Cosmetics küldetése, hogy eljuttasson mindenkit az illatok vonzó, varázslatos világába és a mindennapos testápolást egy valódi rituálévá tegye.
  • Marib — Der Awwam Tempel des Almaqah bei Ma rib (6. Jahrhundert v. Chr.)
  • Dahası, İtalyan oryantalist Giovanni Garbini, Almaqah ile ilişkilendirilen özellikler üzerinde durduktan sonra benzer bir sonuca varır.
  • Until recently, Almaqah was considered to be a moon god, under the influence of a now generally rejected conception of a South Arabian…
  • All posts tagged "almaqah". Home / Posts tagged "almaqah".
  • Almaqah is represented on monuments by a cluster of lightning bolts surrounding a curved, sickle-like weapon.