• Anput (right) depicted on a triad statue with Hathor and the Pharaoh Menkaure. Anput is a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion.
  • Probably the most notable example is that of the triad of Menkaure, Hathor and Anput.
  • You know, in the vast world of ancient Egyptian myths, Anput often gets overlooked.
  • Anput , also spelled Input , Inpewt , or Yineput , is a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. Her name is written in hieroglyphs as inpwt .
  • Muhtemelen en dikkate değer örnek, Menkaure, Hathor ve Anput üçlüsüdür. Başında bir çakal olan bir standart giyen bir kadın veya büyük siyah bir köpek veya...
  • The Protector of the Dead Anput in Ancient Egyptian Mythology.
  • Ancak Anput'ın arınmanın tanrıçası olan Kebechet'in annesi olduğu düşünülüyordu. ... Muhtemelen en dikkate değer örnek Menkaure, Hathor ve Anput üçlüsüdür.
  • In some cases Anput is depicted as a regal woman adorned in flowing garments and a majestic crown, exuding an air of grace and power.
  • As the female counterpart of her husband, Anubis, who was known as jnpw to the Egyptians, Anput\’s name ends in a feminine \”t\” suffix when seen as jnpwt.
  • Channeled Message from the Egyptian Goddess Anput [goddess purification and 17th nome of Upper Egypt] Wife of Anubis Reading Greek Mythology, Anput...