- en.wikipedia.org Antikythera EphebeThe Antikythera Ephebe, registered as Bronze statue of a youth in the museum collections, is a Greek bronze statue of a young man of languorous grace that was found...
- commons.wikimedia.org wiki/File:Antikythera_…DescriptionAntikythera Ephebe at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens (1-31-2023).jpg.
- flickr.com photos/paul-mcclure/50084619902/Antikythera Ephebe, National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece | by Paul McClure DC.
- hellenicaworld.com Greece/Museum/…Bronze statue found in the sea off the island of Antikythera created in Polykleitos tradition.
- namuseum.gr en/collection/klasiki-periodos-2/The bronze ephebe that was recovered from the sea off Antikythera (no X13396), Room 28) adheres to the tradition established by Polykleitos.
- nomadicniko.com 2023/06/08/national-…The National Archaeological Museum was founded in 1829 by Ioannis Kapodistrias (1776-1831), the first governor of Greece.
- buyukansiklopedi.com Musée_de_l'ÉphèbeAgathois Jules Baudou Müzesi'nde veya şehrin eski piskoposluğunda denizde veya nehirde bulunan arkeolojik nesnelerin (amforalar, çapalar, seramikler...Bulunamadı: antikythera, ulusal
- pinterest.com pin/antikythera-ephebe-antikythera-…The Antikythera Ephebe or bronze statue of a youth certainly is one of the most impressive and beautiful bronze statues we have from antiquity.
- dreamstime.com antikythera-ephebe-antikythera-…It is a bronze statue of a young man of languorous grace that was found in 1900 by sponge-divers in the area of the ancient Antikythera shipwreck off the...
- rijksmuseumamsterdam.blogspot.com 2012/07/…This beautiful young man, known as the Antikythera Ephebe, is mostly thought to be a depiction of the mythological figure Paris presenting the Apple of Discord...
- travel4pictures.com archaeological_museum_athens/…...EUROPA; ATHEN; ATHINA; Archaeologisches Nationalmuseum, Musée archéologique national, Bronzestatue Ephebe von Antikythera stellt Paris.
- kids.kiddle.co National_Archaeological_Museum,_…The first national archaeological museum in Greece was established by the governor of Greece Ioannis Kapodistrias in Aigina in 1829.
- discovergreece.com tr/experiences/journey-through…Ülkede şimdiye kadar ortaya çıkarılan en önemli eserlerden bazılarını sunan Ulusal Arkeoloji Müzesi...Bulunamadı: ephebe