• The Apocalypse, properly Apocalypse with Pictures (Latin: Apocalipsis cum figuris), is a series of fifteen woodcuts by Albrecht Dürer published in 1498 depicting various scenes...
  • The four horsemen of the apocalypse by albrecht dürer in context.
  • Dürer won his first major success in the field of engravings in 1498 by engraving "Apocalypse" (Apocalipsis cum figuris).
  • At first glance we might not know where to start amidst the chaos, however, in The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Dürer depicts each rider in Biblical order.
  • It is argued that the effect of this Apocalypse is more powerful than the other compositions and that most likely Dürer created the piece himself from start to finish.
  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death, Famine, Pestilence and War - Albrecht Durer.
  • Dr. Rangsook Yoon has suggested that Dürer’s Apocalypse should be seen less as an expression of devotion and more as a capitalist maneuver.
  • By the age of 30, Dürer had completed three of his most famous series of engravings on religious themes: Apocalypse, Great Passions, and The Life of the Virgin.
  • The Apocalypse has lots of vague hints at the end of the world but in Dürer’s depiction everything looks evident and topical.