• Azure Sphere, silikonla başlayan ve işletim sistemi ve bulut aracılığıyla genişleyen çözümler oluşturmaya yönelik güvenli bir IoT platformudur.
  • Azure Sphere is a secured IoT platform for building solutions that start in silicon and extend through the OS and the cloud.
  • Azure Sphere is a comprehensive IoT solution that provides a secured, connected MCU, a custom Linux-based OS, and a cloud-based security service.
  • Secure MCU: Azure Sphere utilizes a custom-built, purpose-built microcontroller (MCU) that includes hardware-based security features.
  • Azure Sphere is an application platform with integrated communications and security features developed and managed by Microsoft for Internet Connected Devices.
  • Yukarıda belirttiğim gibi ürünün adı Azure Sphere ve üzerinde Linux çalışıyor olacak.
  • Microsoft has a unique solution called Azure Sphere which has 3 components: specialized hardware, special operating system, and cloud...
  • Azure Sphere is designed as an integrated solution to secure your IoT devices, data, and your entire IoT infrastructure.
  • Azure Sphere, üç bileşenden oluşur: bir mikrodenetleyici birimi (MCU), bir özel güvenli işletim sistemi ve bulut tabanlı Azure Sphere Security Service.
  • Azure Sphere is designed to address some of the key challenges of IoT security, such as insecure firmware and weak authentication mechanisms.