• The Black Russian Terrier (Russian: Русский чёрный терьер), also known as the Chornyi Terrier (chornyi being Russian for black), is a breed of dog from the USSR.
  • It is necessary to begin training at a young age, as the Black Russian Terrier will grow to a relatively large size and may be more difficult to correct.
  • Black Russian Terriers, or blackies, were bred in the former USSR to be a working dog for the army.
  • Black Russian Terrier Body: Chest Roomy, deep, with well-sprung ribs, reaching to the level of the elbows or slightly below.
  • Black Russian Terrier, kökeni Sovyetler Birliği’ne dayanan büyük, güçlü ve çekici bir köpek ırkıdır.
  • 634 bin görüntüleme
    Yayınlandı15 Eyl 2011
  • In the United States, the Black Russian Terrier was first cataloged by Foundation Stock Services in 1996.
  • The Black Russian Terrier has a double coat, so that’s a thick, soft undercoat covered by a coarse, weatherproof outer coat.
  • A Black Russian Terrier should have access to a securely fenced yard, but when the family is home, he should be in the house with them.
  • Black Russian Terrier köpek ırkının erkek cinsiyetinde olanları her zaman çocuklarla oynamak ister.