• The Museo Bodoniano is the oldest printing museum in Italy. It was opened in 1963, coinciding with the 150th anniversary of the death of Giambattista Bodoni...
  • Der Hof am Rande des Ortes Buskow, nahe der Stadt Neuruppin, bietet für das Bodoni-Museum einmalige räumliche Möglichkeiten und zugleich die...
  • Located in the late 16th-century Farnese palace of the Pilotta (the site, in the late 1700s, of Bodoni’s Workshop and home), the museum’s new home...
  • The Bodoni Museum of Parma is a museum dedicated to Giambattista Bodoni (1740–1813), situated in the Palazzo della Pilotta building on the premises of the Palatina Library.
  • This museum is dedicated to the life and works of Giambattista Bodoni (1740-1813), a renowned Italian typographer, type-designer, compositor, printer and...
  • In the second half of the 18th century thanks to the creation of the elegant and refined font “Bodoni” and his fine publications, the typographer Giambattista Bodoni...
  • For visitors who intend to enter the Bodonian museum, the ticket is € 5,00 while for those who intend to visit both the Pilotta complex and the Bodoni museum...
  • The Bodoni Museum, opened to the public in 1963 and third printing museum to be born in Europe, houses a large part of the press works by Bodoni...
  • His ties to the city were so strong that in 1963, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his death, the Bodoni Museum, the oldest printing museum in Italy, was...
  • The Museo Bodoni is the oldest printing museum in Italy, inaugurated in 1963 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the death of Giambattista Bodoni...