- en.wikipedia.org Borradaile TriptychThe Borradaile Triptych is an ivory Byzantine triptych carved in Constantinople between 900 and 1000 AD. It was bequeathed by Charles Borradaile to the British Museum...
- artlex.com triptych/Examples such as the 10th century Borradaile Triptych – part of the Romanos ivories produced in Constantinople – shows how early versions were intimate...
- artsandculture.google.com asset/the-borradaile-…This triptych is named after Charles Borradaile, who purchased it in 1905/6 and later bequeathed it to The British Museum.
- britishmuseum.org collection/object/H_1923-1205-1triptych; icon; relief The Borradaile Triptych Museum number 1923,1205.1...
- idlespeculations-terryprest.blogspot.com 2009/01/…The Borradaile Triptych is named after Charles Borradaile, who purchased it in 1905/6and later bequeathed it to The British Museum.
- flickr.com photos/nickmard/3838689969The Borradaile Triptych Wide open (pictured here), the central scene on the triptych shows CHrist alert on the cross and without pain.
- collegesidekick.com study-guides/boundless-…The Harbaville Triptych depicts a scene of Deesis with Christ as the Pantocrator, while the Borradaile Triptych depicts an image of the Crucifixion.
- nl.pinterest.com pin/322359285814778374/Borradaile Triptych, 10th century, British Museum.
- pressbooks.bccampus.ca cavestocathedrals/chapter/…The Harbaville Triptych depicts a scene of Deesis with Christ as the Pantocrator, while the Borradaile Triptych depicts an image of the Crucifixion.
- pinterest.ca slainemary/triptych/Maso di Banco Madonna with Saints and Scenes of the Life of Christ, portable altarpiece This triptych, intended for private devotion, is the only complete work of...