- medium.com geekculture/brain-the-worlds-first-…In conclusion, Brain was the first known computer virus, it was a boot sector virus that infected the boot sector of floppy disks.
- en.wikipedia.org Brain (computer virus)Brain is the industry standard name for a computer virus that was released in its first form on 19 January 1986, and is considered to be the first computer virus for the IBM...
- youtube.com watchBRAIN: The World's First Computer Virus (Documentary).
- kaspersky.com.tr resource-center/threats/a-brief-…Oyunun oynandığı sırada PREVADE kullanıcıya sunulan tüm bilgisayar dizinlerini inceledi ve ardından halihazırda bulunmadığı tüm dizinlere bir ANIMAL kopyası...
- linkedin.com pulse/quick-history-computer-viruses…“Some estimates suggest that between 1986 and 1989, the Brain Virus hit more than 100,000 computers” – source here.
- f-secure.com v-descs/brain.shtmlOne of the most interesting details regarding the Brain virus is the following text, which appears inside it
- trtworld.com magazine/the-making-of-the-first-…Brain was a BOOT Sector Virus and loaded onto the computer from the infected floppy when it was switched on — without the user ever finding out.
- cybersecurityventures.com looking-back-on-the-…A shop called Brain Computer Services was selling brand-name computer programs, such as Lotus 1-2-3 and WordStar, for as little as $1.50 each, according to...
- exequy.wordpress.com 2014/01/19/brain-computer-…Brain is the industry standard name for a computer virus that was released in its first form in January 1986, and is considered to be the first computer virus for...
- thevintagenews.com 2016/09/08/priority-brain-…The Brain virus – Details of this photograph include (1) it is the hex dump of the boot sector of a floppy (A:) containing the first ever PC virus, Brain, (2)...
Bilgisayar virüsü
Bilgisayar Virüsü
Genel bilgiler
Bilgisayar virüsü, kullanıcının izni ya da bilgisi dahilinde olmadan bilgisayarın çalışma şeklini değiştiren ve kendini diğer dosyaların içerisinde gizlemeye çalışan aslında bir tür bilgisayar programıdır.
Terim genelde kötücül yazılım (malware) denilen geniş bir alanı ifade etmek için kullanılsa da, gerçek bir virüs aşağıda belirtilen iki görevi gerçekleştirmek durumundadır.
Bazı virüsler uygulamalara zarar vermek, dosyaları silmek ve sabit diski yeniden formatlamak gibi çeşitli şekillerde bilgisayara zarar vermek amacıyla programlanmışlardır. Bazıları zarar vermektense, sadece sistem içinde çoğalmayı ve metin, resim ya da video mesajları göstererek fark edilmeyi tercih ederler.
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