• Arco di Traiano (also called the Arch of San Damiano) & the Via Flaminia. Carsulae is an archaeological site in the region of Umbria in central Italy.
  • Carsulae was a Roman municipium in the region of Umbria, now preserved as an archaeological site, about 4 km north of the small town of San Gemini.
  • Carsulae probably originated as a mansio, a rest stop and watering place for travelers, traders and soldiers.
  • Today the pupils of classes IV and V of primary school, accompanied by their teachers, visited the archaeological site of Carsulae.
  • The page on the site of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Umbria provides a useful summary of the excavation of Carsulae.
  • Carsulae era un’antica città di epoca romana lungo la via Flaminia, al confine tra i territori comunali di Interamna Nahars (Terni) e Casventum (San Gemini).
  • The baths appear to date to the earliest Roman use of Carsulae with several phases of modification up to the 4th century CE.
  • Mezar anıtı: Carsulae nekropolünde daha az seçkin bir anıt .
  • Carsulae probably originated as a mansio, a rest stop and watering place for travellers, traders and soldiers along the Via Flaminia.