• The Combin de la Tsessette is the third highest summit in the Grand Combin massif. It lies east of the Grand Combin summit (Combin de Grafeneire)...
  • The Grand Combin de la Tsessette is part of the Grand Combin massif, which really lives up to its nickname: the “Swiss Himalaya”.
  • Consider things such as access and accommodation at the base of Combin de la Tsessette, as well as the logistics of climbing to the summit.
  • Grand Combin de la Tsesette ( Fransızca: Grand Combin de la Tsessette ) , İsviçre'deki Pennine Alpleri'ndeki Grand Combin masifinde 4.135 metre yüksekliğindeki bir zirvedir .
  • Combins zirvesi kuzey-doğusunda yer alan MASSIF Combin de Grafeneire , bu hakim Büyük Combin buzul kuzey-batısında, güney ve Tsessette buzul ve...
  • Deshalb hat sich die Arête du Meitin von der Cabane de Valsorey zur empfohlenen Normalroute auf den Grand Combin entwickelt.
  • Par la croupe W. Bibliographie - Combin de Zessetta, Alpine Journal, vol. 17, 1894, no 126
  • Hiking info, trail maps, and 2 trip reports from Grand Combin (de la Tsessette) (4,141 m) in the Pennine Alps of Switzerland.
  • Dalla sua origine fino alla sua evoluzione odierna, Combin de la Tsessette è stato oggetto di dibattito e riflessione in diversi ambiti, essendo considerato un...
  • On 1 April 2021 French alpinists Paul Bonhomme and Vivian Bruchez made what is likely to be the first ski descent of the east face of Combin de la Tsessette...