• Cuajada (milk curd) is a dairy product traditionally made from sheep's milk, but now it is more often made industrially from cow's milk.
  • The word ‘Cuajada’ means ‘curdled’ in Spanish. Famous in the north-eastern regions of Spain, earlier it was made from ewe’s milk, but it is industrially made from...
  • Cuajada con crumble. TM6 TM5. ... Malzemeler. 500 g de leche entera. 15 g de cuajada en polvo. 25 g de pistachos pelados (sin sal). 25 g de nueces pacanas.
  • At its core, Cuajada is comprised of sheep's milk cheese curds and sugar or honey, plus whatever extra ingredients the cook desires to add.
  • They milked the sheep and heated the milk in the kaiku (birch wood vessel) by pouring in hot stones that gave the cuajada a toasted flavour.
  • The loose texture of cuajada and its taste allows it to act in some instances as a substitute for yogurt or as a moistening and thickening agent in baked goods.
  • Esta página recopila información sobre las características nutricionales y otras propiedades de la cuajada a modo de resumen.
  • Cuajada is technically a type of fresh cheese that is made from milk curds, although some consider it more of a pudding.
  • Cuajada — [kwa xaða] (spanisch, von cuajar „gerinnen, dick werden“) ist ein aus Schafmilch hergestelltes Milchprodukt.