• David Samuel Cohen (born July 13, 1966), better known as David X. Cohen, is an American television writer. He is best known for co-developing the animated television...
  • When he registered, there was already a David S. Cohen, and the union does not allow members to register with the same name.
  • David X Cohen is a writer, producer, and actor who is best known for writing "The Simpsons" and "Futurama."
  • david samuel cohen (d. 13 temmuz 1966), bilinen adıyla david x. cohen, abd'li televizyon yazarı. simpsonlar dizisinin yazarlarından biri olmasının yanı sıra...
  • Including, unfortunately for Futurama's David Cohen, a man named David S. Cohen, whose main contribution is a writing credit on an episode of Star Trek...
  • Name Change: David X. Cohen originally was credited under the name "David S. Cohen," his real middle initial. In 1998...
  • David X. Cohen: bio, photos, awards, nominations and more at Emmys.com.
  • David X. Cohen is Executive Producer of the critically-acclaimed animated series Futurama, and also spent five years as a writer for The Simpsons.
  • The "X" does not actually stand for anything, but Cohen included a period "so people don't think it's some mathematical formula: 'David times Cohen' or something".