• King Mithridates I Callinicus or Antiochus I of Commagene shaking hands with Hercules. Dexiosis on Attic Lekythos 5th century BCE.
  • Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism.
  • Dexiosis terimi , figüratif sanatlarda iki kişinin sağ elini sıkmasını temsil eder . Bilinen en eski deksiozisler , Kral III . Shalmanassar (MÖ 858-824)...
  • Since the clay and marble lekythoi appeared later, the first carriers of the dexiosis motif in necropoleis were stelai with relief decoration.
  • Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism.
  • Bu çalışma kapsamında dexiosis sahneleri olan eserlerden seçilen bazı ikonografik veriler, anlamsal özellikleri ile farklı arkeolojik malzemeler üzerinde...
  • Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism.
  • Dexiosis and Dextrarum Iunctio: The Sacred Handclasp in the Classical and Early Christian World.
  • Summary/Abstract: Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism.
  • bir commagene kralı ve herkülün nemrut'ta bulunan dexiosis rölyefi güzel bir örnektir.