- en.wikipedia.org DexiosisKing Mithridates I Callinicus or Antiochus I of Commagene shaking hands with Hercules. Dexiosis on Attic Lekythos 5th century BCE.
- academia.edu 28670585/Dexiosis_a_meaningful_…Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism.
- tr.wikiital.com wiki/DexiosisDexiosis terimi , figüratif sanatlarda iki kişinin sağ elini sıkmasını temsil eder . Bilinen en eski deksiozisler , Kral III . Shalmanassar (MÖ 858-824)...
- iamgreece.org wp-content/uploads/2020/05/…Since the clay and marble lekythoi appeared later, the first carriers of the dexiosis motif in necropoleis were stelai with relief decoration.
- researchgate.net publication/305744564_Dexiosis_a…Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism.
- dergipark.org.tr tr/pub/trkede/issue/68264/989025Bu çalışma kapsamında dexiosis sahneleri olan eserlerden seçilen bazı ikonografik veriler, anlamsal özellikleri ile farklı arkeolojik malzemeler üzerinde...
- semanticscholar.org paper/Dexiosis-and-Dextrarum-…Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism.
- scripturecentral.org archive/periodicals/journal-…Dexiosis and Dextrarum Iunctio: The Sacred Handclasp in the Classical and Early Christian World.
- ceeol.com search/article-detail…Summary/Abstract: Dexiosis is a modern term referring to the handshaking motif appearing in ancient Greek art, which had specific meaning and symbolism.
- eksisozluk.com dexiosis--6629576bir commagene kralı ve herkülün nemrut'ta bulunan dexiosis rölyefi güzel bir örnektir.
Genel bilgiler
Deksiosis - Antik Yunan mezar ikonografisinde el sıkışma motifi. Ölümden sonra öteki dünyada görüşmeyi simgeler.
Eski kabartmalarda hükümdarlar tanrılarla el sıkışırken gösterilmiştir. Bazen sikkeler üzerinde de el sıkışma motifine rastlanır. Sikkeler üzerindeki bu motif genellikle iki şehir arasındaki bağı simgeler.