- nju-3dv.github.io projects/Direct3D/In this work, we introduce Direct3D, a native 3D generative model scalable to in-the-wild input images, without requiring a multi-view diffusion model or SDS...
- learn.microsoft.com en-us/windows/win32/direct3dDirect3D is a low-level API for drawing primitives with the rendering pipeline, or for performing parallel operations with the compute shader.
- drivereasy.com knowledge/direct3d-download-the-…Part of DirectX, Direct3D is used to render three-dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important, such as your video games.
- Part of DirectX, Direct3D is used to render three-dimensional graphics in applications where performance is important, such as games.
- solvusoft.com tr/update/sürücüler/categories/…Öneri: Çoğu Windows kullanıcısına Direct3D sürücülerini güncellemede yardımcı olması için DriverDoc gibi bir sürücü güncelleme aracı indirmesini [DriverDoc...
- NVIDIA Direct3D SDK is a collection of DirectX 11 code samples which compliments the latest line of NVIDIA GPU products and graphics adapters.
- techpout.com direct3d-device-driver/However, if you need clarification about downloading and installing the updated driver for Direct3D, you can read this article.
- youtube.com watchDirect 3D yok sorunu ve çözümü!!13 bin görüntülemeYayınlandı11 Tem 2016
- tr.all10soft.com direct3d-windows-10/Direct3D Windows 10 - DirectX programının ana bileşenlerinden biri, üç boyutlu elemanlarla entegre çalışma için tasarlanmıştır.
- developer.valvesoftware.com wiki/Direct3DGoldSrc GoldSrc engines ships with a software renderer, OpenGL and initially, Direct3D 6, prior to it being removed in 2013 after SteamPipe update.