• EclipseLink JPA provides advanced support for leading relational databases and Java containers.
  • The EclipseLink project provides a runtime persistence solution focused on leading standards and extended functionality needed for today's enterprise Java and SOA...
  • The EclipseLink project's goal is to provide a complete persistence framework that is both comprehensive and universal.
    • Issues:
    • Last commit:
      19 July 2024
  • EclipseLink is the open source Eclipse Persistence Services Project from the Eclipse Foundation.
  • To demonstrate that the sample Spring Boot application with EclipseLink nicely works, I reuse the data, three entities and one SQL query from my earlier post...
  • EclipseLink is a JPA implementation like Hibernate, OpenJPA and others.
  • In this article, we’ll go through steps necessary to set up EclipseLink as the implementation provider for Spring Data JPA.
  • At the time of releasing the JPA 2.0 specification, Sun has chosen EclipseLink as the Reference Implementation (RI) for JPA 2.0 standards.
  • EclipseLink is a persistence framework that includes also object-relational mapping (ORM), based on Orcale's TopLink object-relational mapping product.
  • EclipseLink. Comprehensive open-source Java persistence solution addressing relational, XML, and database web services.