• Eino Leino (born Armas Einar Leopold Lönnbohm; 6 July 1878 – 10 January 1926) was a Finnish poet and journalist who is considered one of the pioneers of Finnish poetry...
  • Eino Leino ( fin. Eino Leino , gerçek adı - Armas Einar Léopold Lönnbum ( fin. Armas Einar Leopold Lönnbohm ); 6 Temmuz 1878 , Paldamo...
  • Eino Leino (born July 6, 1878, Paltamo, Russian Finland—died Jan. 10, 1926, Tuusula, Fin.) was a prolific and versatile poet, a master of Finnish poetic forms...
  • İç savaşın ağırlaştırdığı siyasi durum , hoşgörüyü her zaman savunan ve iyi arkadaşları olduğu işçi hareketini takdir eden Eino Leino için acı bir deneyim .
  • ...olur ve "metsän henki" (ormanın ruhu) ile ilişkiye girer. burada aino kallas'ın aalo ve ormanın ruhu arasındaki ilişkiyle, aino kallas ve eino leino'nun ilişkisini...
  • Eino Leino was a Finnish poet and journalist who is highly esteemed and widely read in Finland today.
  • Eino Leino was born on 6 July 1878 in Paltamo, Finland.
  • Eino Leino (1878-1926) is one of the great figures of the Finnish National Romantic movement, and played a major role in the emergence of modern Finnish...
  • "Well - Eino Leino - perhaps he was the only Finnish author who can really be called a genius," said Bertel Gripenberg.
  • Eino Leino: Yö (1892-1906) Hiihtäjän virsiä.
  • Eino Leino discography includes 24 songs.
  • The subtitle of Hannu Makela's Mestari (The Master), "The Life and Death of Eino Leino," accurately characterizes the work as a biographical novel about one of...
  • Eino Leino was born Armas Einar Leopold Lönnbohm in Paltamo, Hövelö, the son of Anders Lönnbohm, a surveyor, and Anna Emilia (Kyrenius) Lönnbohm...
  • As a child, Armas Einar Leopold Lönnbohm, or Eino Leino as he is better known, showed an interest in reading and writing.